Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Prevent back injuries in children: Remember that they are not simply 'small adults'

When it comes to youth sports participation, parents and coaches often forget that kids bodies work VERY differently than adult bodies.  Children are growing, they have growth plates and their strength, flexibility and coordination often lag behind their growth spurts.  Furthermore, when attempting to 'play through' an injury, children will usually develop abnormal movement patterns that can make pain less noticeable for a time; while creating bad habits that can last a lifetime and lead to further injury.  One of the biggest problems with how we look at young athletes and injuries is that everyone has seen and read about professional athletes pushing through painful injuries to go on to win games or even championships.  Since this 'no pain, no gain' approach seems to work for our elite sports heroes,  parents and coaches allow children, and kids feel the pressure, to push through pain in ways that can lead to lasting injuries.  The other issue at play is the 'organized' nature of youth sports. The point is that 'No pain, no gain' does NOT work!  If a child were not playing in an organized practice or game, they would run, jump and play until they are hurt.  Once they get hurt they will stop playing until it doesn't hurt anymore. This is what nature intended for the normal development of skills and correct movement patterns as well as the proper healing of injuries.

As my pediatric orthopedics professor always said "children are not small adults!" and we need to remember that mantra when deciding what is best for our kids now and most importantly in the future.  In general take the slow and steady approach when letting a kid get back to his or her sport.  If you have any questions about what is best for them, ask a physical therapist for help.

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